
Monday, August 23, 2010

Giveaway - Super Baby Food

I've written several times about how much I love Super Baby Food. I made all of my daughter's baby food, relying primarily on this book for instruction. I also use the yogurt recipe from this book to make my Homemade Yogurt, as well as the recipe for Homemade Fruit Leather.

This book has so many wonderful features! I utilized the reference appendix about how to prepare fruits and veggies the most. This was a great guide for helping me to prepare baby food that was age-appropriate for my daughter as she grew. The appendix has just about every fruit or veggie you can find listed in it, including instructions on how to freeze your baby food once it is made.

Several chapters are devoted to feeding your child each month (at 6 months, 7 months, etc). These chapters help parents to see what foods are appropriate to be introduced, and in which quantities. Ms. Yaron also makes it very clear that parents should consult their child's pediatrician and follow their instructions over any recommendation she makes in her book.

A large portion of the book is devoted to helping parents make healthy meals for their toddlers! I have not explored this section nearly as much as I would like. There are tons of recipes and meal ideas that will really help parents with picky eaters!

I have benefited from this book so much that I contacted the people at Super Baby Food and asked if they would be willing to sponsor a giveaway for my readers! They graciously agreed, and also wanted me to share that there will be a Super Baby Food App for iPhone coming out later this year, along with a 3rd edition of Super Baby Food in February 2011!

Win It!

To enter to win your very own copy of Super Baby Food, leave a comment on this post letting me know how you would use this book! Do you have a baby just starting solids? A toddler who is eating you out of house and home because of store-bought toddler meals? Or a friend that you know would love this book? Make sure that your blogger profile is enabled with a visible email address, or leave an email where I can reach you in your comment!

The giveaway will remain open until 10pm Friday (eastern time). The winner will be chosen at random and notified via email!
Good Luck!


  1. I would love to win this book! I have an 8 month old who loves to eat and I really enjoy making his food and not buying store bought stuff for him.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy one year! great blog! I would use the book to add more variety to my boys' meals and for baby food once we have another baby.

  3. I would love a copy of this book. I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old and I am always looking for ways to feed them both healthy meals without having to rely too much on store bought meals. You have a great blog with some great ideas on saving money. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. How fun! We are a little ways away from solid foods still, but its never too soon to start reading and figuring out a plan!

  5. Oh, I'd love to win this. I don't have a baby (yet), but I've already started to collect books for when we do and try to prepare now, while I still have some free time on my hands. Thanks so much! :)

    lifeblessons at gmail dot com

  6. Well, as my little one is just hitting the 7 month mark and is starting to ask for larger portions of solid food than I ever thought would fit into his tiny belly, this would be a WONDERFUL reference for me. I've been making almost all of his food so far, and it's been a bit intense but so worth it. I would love some new recipes and ideas.


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