
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Low-Maintenance Risotto Recipe

I had planned to get this posted yesterday, and it completely slipped my mind until I was getting ready for bed...but this is a great recipe for another cooler day!

Back before the crazy heat of summer made cooking a hot dinner unbearable, we enjoyed several different varieties of risotto for dinner. This creamy rice dish is great as the base of your main course because you can add so many different things to create different meals. It also works well as a side dish, so really, the possibilities are endless! Making risotto had been fairly time-consuming, simply because I would add the broth a cup or so at a time, wait for it to be absorbed, then add another cup. But I was really excited to see this recipe in the October Real Simple that reminded me I did not have to babysit my risotto nearly as closely!

First, melt 2 Tablespoons of unsalted butter in a large pan. (My favorite piece of cookware is my large saute pan)

Add some chopped onions, salt, and pepper. Let the onion cook for a few minutes until it becomes translucent (and smells amazing!)

Add 1 cup Arborio rice.

This stuff is a little more expensive than "regular" rice, but I've seen some nice coupons also. I think this container was around $5, but I had a coupon for $2.50 off!

Let the rice cook for just a few minutes; you'll see it start to change in color.

Then add the white wine (if using). I have made it both ways, and while I'm sure a better cook would know the difference, we enjoyed this just as much without the wine. Just compensate with a little more broth. Add half the broth and allow that to absorb into the rice (about 10 minutes). Then add the remaining broth. This will take a little bit longer to fully absorb.

Once you are satisfied with the consistency of your risotto (nice and creamy!) add Parmesan cheese and parsley. I usually opt for the less expensive Parmesan, and it still adds so much flavor.

As you can see, my risotto was a bit on the runny side still at this point...but I was ready to eat!

The great thing about this recipe is that you can add pretty much anything and it will taste great. We've done a veggie version with spinach, green beans, and asparagus, and also enjoyed it with shrimp and bacon.

Do you have a favorite way to do risotto? I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Holy yumminess! This is a must try for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  2. My favorite way to make risotto is to saute mushrooms along with the onions, then make the risotto as you said. Although, I have to say, I'm not sure your "add the liquid at once" method is working correctly. A nice risotto is supposed to be creamy, not watery, and if you add the liquid a little at a time, wait for it to absorb, then add more, etc, this makes an easy (although more time consuming) risotto. Love you, Mom

  3. It did still get creamy, even adding the liquid more quickly! I was just a liitle premature with the photo on this particular day...


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