
Friday, February 11, 2011

Food Waste Friday

Every Friday, I join with The Frugal Girl and other bloggers to clean out my fridge and freezer and take a picture of anything that has gone bad over the last week. This holds me accountable to faithfully check every week, and motivates me to use up our leftovers. This has made a huge difference in the amount of food we waste every week.

This week's damage was a long-forgotten about jar of jam (from a year or two ago), a Tablespoon or two of half & half that I just couldn't get used up in time, and a burrito that my daughter didn't eat for dinner one night. I don't usually include food that she does not finish, but since it was basically a whole burrito, I could have easily had it for lunch one day. We also lost a lone biscuit from dinner earlier in the week. They were being reheated in the oven and one got left until dinner the next night. I heated the oven without looking in it and by the time I went to stick my cornbread in to bake, the biscuit was hard as a rock.

I've got some leftovers planned for this weekend, including using the remaining chicken and carcass from my first roast chicken for some yummy soup!

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