
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Guest Post on The Frugal Girl

Be sure to head on over to The Frugal Girl today to check out my guest post about cloth diapers! I am very excited to be able to share our family's cloth diaper experience with Kristen's readers.

If you are visiting Thrifty Living from The Frugal Girl, welcome! Have a look around, and please, please let me know if I can be a help with any cloth diaper questions. When we started using cloth we didn't have anyone to talk to about it, and I really want to be that resource for anyone who is considering cloth diapers!


  1. Great post! I am looking into cloth diapers for our kids and it feels overwhelming since I don't know anyone else that uses them. Most people tell me horror stories from years ago, but I think cloth diapers have really moved forward since then, and are much more user friendly. :)

  2. Let me know if you have any specific questions! It was very overwhelming when we started too, but now it is just a part of our daily routine.


What do you think? I love hearing from readers!