
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Repurposed: Sheet and Blanket bags into Toy Storage

When my daughter received sheets and a quilt for her big girl bed, we saved the plastic zippered bags, intending to use them for some sort of storage. It did not take too much imagination or creativity to find the perfect uses for them!

The large quilt bag is perfect for her Duplo train set!

And the smaller sheet bag helps to corral all those little baby toys!

Sticker still in place...I love that these are clear; we can see exactly what is there! The handle on the quilt bag is perfect for her to carry to the perfect train building spot, too.

Even the plastic pocket inside is put to use! We store the manual with the pictures and instructions for the train set in the pocket so it's right in the bag, but protected from getting mangled if it was in with the other pieces.

Before we repurposed the sheet bag, all of the baby toys ended up at the bottom of a basket bigger things. Now the baby toys are easy to contain, easy to see because of the clear plastic, and all in the same place!

Have you repurposed something lately instead of throwing it away? I'd love to hear your ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I use comforter bags to store our deck furniture cushions. Never throw these bags away! They're great.


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