
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Salvaged Shirt

On Monday I showed you this photo:

It was a sleeve on my daughter's "I'm a big sister!" shirt that somehow got partially eaten in the washer. I'm still not quite sure how it happened, and in the 2+ years I've had the washer, this is the only casualty, so we'll call it a fluke for now. But sadly, the poor shirt could not be worn as is, and it still was plenty big enough for her.

Providentially, it was a "layered" shirt! Which meant it was super easy to salvage!

All I had to do was cut the pink sleeves out along the sewing required!

When it was finished my daughter found the shirt folded and ready to go back into her drawer. She held it up and said "Its so cute!". I think so too, and I'm glad it was such an easy fix. I'm sure we'll get to enjoy it all summer!

Have you rescued anything from the scrap pile lately? I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Have you heard of the "New Dress a Day" blog? The writer does basically what you just did, taking old damaged or out of style dresses and re-purposing them so they can be worn again. She is amazing with a sewing machine, but she also invents quick fixes that don't require stitching. I've loved reading it, and this post reminded me of her! Here's the link:

  2. I have! I was totally impressed with her!

  3. I have a t-shirt that I LOVE, and one of our cats made a fairly small but very noticeable gash across the front. It's right in the middle, across the design, and I have yet to figure out how to fix it without it looking weird. Any ideas?

  4. Without seeing it, my first thought is, could you add some embelishments? Instead of trying to fix the hole, maybe adding strips of cloth, etc to cover. I did something similar recently and I'll be sharing next week!


What do you think? I love hearing from readers!