
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Food Waste Friday

Every Friday, I join with The Frugal Girl and other bloggers to clean out my fridge and freezer and take a picture of anything that has gone bad over the last week. This holds me accountable to faithfully check every week, and motivates me to use up our leftovers. This has made a huge difference in the amount of food we waste every week. I encourage you to participate with me in food waste Friday, too!

Its been a long week for our you can probably tell since its Saturday and I'm just now posting my food waste picture. We are still in the process of recovering from being sick. None of us have really had much of an appetite, so we've got a lot of leftovers that needed to be thrown out...a pasta dish, a few green beans, a little piece of sausage, and some spinach.

I'm hoping next week will bring a healthier house and much less food waste!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Too many organic greens have died a slow and slimy death in my refrigerator. Thanks for the tip.


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