
Monday, December 19, 2011

If I had all the time in the world...

By nature, I'm an implementer more than a creator. I do come up with some ideas of my own from time to time, like our Advent Calendar, but mostly I like to copy the ideas of others. The trouble is, there are way more ideas out there than I could ever accomplish! And my time is limited because of normal tasks of life (my family wants to eat, wear clean clothes, oh, and I have small kids, right?!). 

So, if I had all the time in the world, here are a few projects that I would love to do. I'll pick one or two, and maybe you will also!

There's no way I can do elaborately decorated cookies, but these melted snowmen from Crazy Domestic are too cute!

These homemade gumdrops would be fun to make any time of year. I've got to do it sometime! (via bakerella)

I'm a minimalist when it comes to decorating, and I love how clean this box Christmas tree looks! (via Better Homes and Gardens)

In a similar vein, check out this beautiful window decoration from Room Service - pine cones, ribbon, and greenery.

The colors in this yard wreath are so bold, especially against the blue door. Love it! (via Better Homes and Gardens)

I really wanted to craft these adorable snowmen from peanuts, but I think that might be a project for next December. You can buy them from RawBoneStudio on Etsy, but they are a little pricey. Of course, they look way better than mine would!

Do you have a fabulous project that is on your someday list? Post the link in the comments; I'd love to see!

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