
Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Cleaning + Easter Eggs

Last week Crystal at Money Saving Mom started a 4-week spring cleaning challenge and I've been having a great time cleaning along with her (great time and cleaning?? crazy!).

Every morning at 9am she posts the day's cleaning tasks. Mostly these are the same each day, but one new "focus" is added. For example, today I cleaned out the inside of our car - threw out the trash, put away the items that don't belong, and vacuumed.

Look at all I vacuumed out of my car!

Every night at 9pm Crystal posts an update on how her cleaning tasks went. It's been a fun way to clean "with" someone...working on the same thing each day. One of the other daily assignments is to get rid of 7 things each day - these could be throw aways, give aways, or sell items. I didn't focus on this last week, but I'm going to this week. I have my 7 things sitting out and just need to move them to my Goodwill box.

After posting about marbled eggs last week, we finally got around to trying them as a family on Sunday. I think I had completely the wrong technique to start! Only 1 of 3 eggs actually "marbled". I didn't realize just how hard I need to knock the eggs to get the cracks all the way through the membrane. It was a great effect on the one that worked. The shell:

And the egg. A far cry from the photos I looked at last week, but we did have a bit of success!

Are you working on any spring cleaning? If not, why don't you join me in working through Crystal's spring cleaning plan!

And if you have had success with marbled eggs, I'd love to get some pointers!

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