
Monday, September 10, 2012

And suddenly, life sped up!

Well, I completely fell behind over these last few weeks. Not only did I miss the Stuart Little book club meeting, I had several other posts planned that never were finished, and I have even been MIA from posting on my family blog as well. We've been in the midst of our foster care classes, traveling, and much more, but this week I'm hoping things will final slow down a little.

I hope you enjoyed Stuart Little! My daughter loved it, and especially loved getting to do the activities that went along with the book. I can only find this one photo of her with her cat mask right now, but hopefully I will find the others soon and be able to post as well.

We've read several chapter books since finishing Stuart Little: Ninja's at Night, the next Magic Tree house book, and The Doll People, which was fantastic! Right now we are reading Harriet's Hare, by the man who also wrote Babe. It's been cute so far, and is a lot shorter than the Doll People, which is a nice break.

We will be finishing Harriet's Hare this week and moving on to the next book club selection - The Littles, by John Peterson. This is the first book in a series about a little family that lives in the walls of the big people's house. I remember reading these when I was little and loving them. They are short books, which will make for a quick read. Books about little people and animals seem to capture a child's imagination in a way that is special, so I hope you and your child will enjoy!


  1. We LOVE Magic Tree House! If you need to borrow any let me know. I am starting a library of them...we have almost 30!

    1. My sisters and u read them as they came out :-) its been fun introducing Emma to them now! I actually was able to find the first 28 at the resale this weekend for $12...a steal! :-)

    2. Great deal! Hey-could we borrow #10. we don't have that one yet and can't find it at the library. thanks!

  2. The Littles!!! SO GOOD!!!


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