
Friday, August 27, 2010

Food Waste Friday

We do not have anything to throw out again this week! I am so happy about how the summer has gone; we have eliminated so much food waste! I think is probably due in part to eating more raw fruits and veggies since they do not require cooking.

Its much nicer to eat something cold when its hot out than to eat something cold when its a bitter cold day in the middle of winter. We'll see if the habits we've developed over this summer are able to continue as the weather changes in the fall, especially since we'll be adding a new baby...

Remember to check out The Frugal Girl to read about more people who are seeking to reduce the amount of food they waste each week!

And today is the last day to enter my book giveaway! The book is Super Baby Food, and is a great resource for making healthy food for your children and yourself (yogurt, fruit leather, etc)...this would also make a great shower gift to a new mom! Get all the details and enter here!

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