
Friday, September 17, 2010

Food Waste Friday

I've been participating in Food Waste Friday with The Frugal Girl for a while now; I go through our fridge (and freezer) on Friday and toss anything that has gone bad. I also take a look at what needs to be used up so that it does not go bad and try to work that into our meals over the next few days. This has really helped us to throw out less food (and so we're actually buying less because we're using what we've already bought!).

Our food waste this week is pretty minimal! There's a bit of cream cheese dip from several weeks ago and a handful of raspberries that went bad before I noticed them. We've been cleaning up some leftovers, so I think we are in good shape for next week too!

How does your fridge look this week?

We are planning to go apple picking this weekend! Do you have any fun plans?

1 comment:

  1. Raspberries can turn very quickly. It is hard to prevent waste unless you eat them all as soon as you bring them home. :-)


What do you think? I love hearing from readers!