
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Online Survey Update: Opinion Outpost

I've mentioned before that I enjoy having a little extra spending money by taking part in online surveys. I just got a check from one of my favorite companies, Opinion Outpost, this past week. I like to wait until I have $20 saved up in my account before requesting a check, and I am usually able to make the $20 in 2 months or less.

I've been doing a lot less with online surveys this summer because I've been so busy, so this one took me a little longer to accumulate. I really enjoy that I get to give my opinion on new products that are not out on the market yet! I don't know how many times I've seen a commercial for a new product that I heard about months ago because of a survey. Opinion Outpost has also given me the opportunity for a few in-home product tests, which I love!

Read more about the other survey companies that I use in this post!

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