
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thrifty Wrapping

I've started wrapping Christmas presents this week, and am so thankful that I am well prepared and will not have to run out for anything. Last year after Christmas I stocked up on wrapping paper and some fun chinese take-out style containers for 75%  off. That was the first week of January. By the next week, Rite Aid (and many other stores) had Christmas items at 90% off. There were tons of rolls of wrapping paper priced at 20 cents a roll! This year I am planning to wait for the 90% discounts to do my stocking up.

When I pulled out our box of Christmas decorations I found a pile of gift tags on top. These were cut from the Christmas cards we received last year and I'm so glad I took the time to cut them up when we packed away our decorations as well as putting them somewhere easy to find!

Do you re-purpose Christmas cards for gift tags too? What are you looking to find on clearance after Christmas?

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