
Monday, January 31, 2011

Cupcake Train Birthday Cake

My daughter loves trains, so it was easy for me to pick a theme for her 2nd birthday cake. I did a bunch of searching online for ideas and there are tons of different ones out there! My inspiration ended up coming from Household 6. She did things a little more elaborate than I wanted, but I was very pleased with how it turned out!

My supplies included:
A bunch of graham crackers (I found the generic brand were wider than name brand)
one tub of icing
one container of mini Oreos
sprinkles/colored sugar
my daughter's Duplo train set

First, I broke graham crackers into quarters along the scoring. They did not always break perfectly, but that still worked fine.

My first attempt was to use a pile of 3 graham cracker quarters, but this was a little unstable. I switched to using 2 piles of 2 graham cracker quarters. I used the Duplo track as the base for the train and that worked great!

I used the Duplo engine to keep things simple! I did not use any extra icing to keep the crackers together for the train cars. Here is a look at the train before I added wheels.

I put a little dab of icing on a mini Oreo cookie and stuck them to the crackers. This worked great and was really simple to do. I put chocolate sprinkles on the car right behind the engine to mimic the tinder.

I have silicone cupcake molds that are different shapes, which added some fun variety to the different cars.

I put colored sugar on a plate and rolled the cupcakes in it. I love the way they came out! They look more professionally done, and it was very easy to do.

The finished project! I put this on the table where we ate, so it doubled as cake and centerpiece decoration!

Our daughter loved it! The only thing I would do differently next time is to decorate the train a little more. I think some licorice lace would have looked great connecting the cars together, and a few other candy embellishments would have been fun to play around with too!


  1. Adorable! You're so creative and I'm sure Emma appreciated it. What a nice way to make a special birthday memory.

  2. That's a really creative idea! I love it!

  3. I love your train! It's darling! I'm so glad you posted this. I get a lot of traffic from that post, but I rarely get to see other's creations.

    (and Yes... I *do* tend to be, as you so kindly put it, a little *elaborate*, lol. You should see this year's airplane party and cake...

    Any way, thanks again for linking me!!

    Sharon - Household 6


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