
Friday, January 28, 2011

Food Waste Friday

Every Friday, I join with The Frugal Girl and other bloggers to clean out my fridge and freezer and take a picture of anything that has gone bad over the last week. This holds me accountable to faithfully check every week, and motivates me to use up our leftovers. This has made a huge difference in the amount of food we waste every week.

I haven't been diligent about going through our food waste the last few weeks, but I'm hoping to get back on track this week! I threw out 3 avocados also this week. I bought them to make guacamole for my husband to take to work last week and then we had things come up that prevented me from making it. I also have about half a container of cottage cheese and way too much cilantro.

How have you been doing with food waste? I've found that I really have to be consistent to go through my fridge every week so that I know exactly what needs to be used up before it goes bad!

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