
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cuter in Cloth

I mentioned in last week's reflections on two in cloth diapers how much I love that both my kids can wear the same diapers. Here's a look at a 2 year old and a 3 month old in bumGenius one-size diapers:

I have all the snaps fastened for my little one and none of the snaps fastened for my oldest. I just love the way cloth look compared to disposables!

If you are thinking about trying cloth diapers and have questions about anything, please don't hesitate to ask!


  1. I also love the look of cloth! So cute!

  2. This pic is adorable! Absolutely precious. My baby boy is cloth diapered in Flips with blue covers. I LOVE the way his little legs and tummy look in the dipes. So sweet!

  3. I use flips and BG's too, nice to see them on a bigger child....Love Cd'ing! Wish everyone did it!


What do you think? I love hearing from readers!