
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Loving the new Bum Genius!

Yesterday I got a package from Cotton Babies...the new diaper and Baby Legs that I won from their blog giveaway!

(FYI: Cotton Babies is giving away cloth wipe prize packs on thier blog today. You don't have to buy cloth wipes though; we use homemade ones!) 

These are really cute diapers, and are on sale this month if you are in the market for some cloth diapers!

Having a new diaper makes it abundantly clear that our 2 year old diapers are showing some wear, but I am staying strong and resisting the temptation to buy new ones!

The major change in the new diapers is the improved velcro in the laundry tabs. Here's a look at my old diaper:

And my new diaper:

I think these new velcro tabs are going to hold up WAY better, and I am so excited to see that Cotton Babies listened to their customers and improved their product to make cloth diapering even easier and simpler.

I've got a great model...Couldn't resist taking one more picture of him!

I am not associated with Cotton Babies or compensated by them for anything I say; all opinions are 100% my own.


  1. love the new style...Ainsley keeps getting the rashes from the cloth, so I have to say good-bye for a little while...I'm glad they switched the velcro tabs...mine are totally worn out, but we have been using them since Jack was born:)


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