
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spring gardening

I was a little later starting on my garden this year than I had hoped, but it actually has worked out well! We have a very small raised bed garden that we made a few years ago. I've tried growing a number of different things, and tomatoes have worked the best every year. Which is perfect because both of our children would eat tomatoes all day long if we let them!

We have some nice rows of spinach seedlings appearing now. I really wanted to get these in the ground earlier because they do not do well in the heat. We'll see if the weather continues to be mild!

I also had a few friendly volunteer plants this year. These tomato plants look great! There are several others that have come up on their own all over my raised bed. Today we planted our tomato seedlings from inside, so we should have a garden bed full of tomato plants this year!

This lettuce came up on its own this year and last year. A great surprise! I went out and snipped several lettuce leaves at lunch the other day

and used them for this beautiful salad! Home grown lettuce topped with peppers, mushrooms, avocado, cheese, and cold (formerly roasted) chicken. Delicious!

Are you growing anything this year?


  1. We have a raised bed garden too! This year we have lettuce (not volunteer, sadly!) tomatoes, cucumber, squash and pumpkins! I can't wait to see how it does. I started them all from seeds so I'm a little worried I got them in the ground a little too late but we'll see.

    1. I was worried too, but so far everything looks good.

  2. I have a new back deck and am hoping that I can grow a salad in pots back there. twice my cucumbers didn't germinate. I planted the seeds for the third time on Tuesday and I'm hoping that these will grow. The carrots spinach and lettuce ate all tiny still. I purchased plants for both cherry and slicing Tomatoes.

  3. Yes, thanks to my mother-in-law our garden is in. That was a great birthday present to me! Tomatoes, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, some new herbs, and I found two blueberry bushes on clearance at Home Depot. Yeah!

    1. That does sound great. I wish I had space for all those plants!


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