
Monday, December 10, 2012

The week in review: tis the season to be busy!

Our December is shaping up to be jam packed already. I love having special activities to do with our kids (and we make a point to do those with our advent calendar) and we were blessed this past week to enjoy time with family.

We visited a somewhat local train garden that Grandpa has taken us to the last 3 years.
It is fabulous!

We had silly fun together at home, singing songs and reading lots of books. Some favorites lately have been The Nutcracker by Alison Jay, Snow by Uri Shulevitz, and Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree by Robert Barry.

I love how much fun and joy these two are!
Then we spent a few days in Williamsburg using a Groupon we purchased several months ago.

My family did many trips to Williamsburg when I was little for homeschool field trips, by I had never been to see it decorated for Christmas...beautiful!

Then we enjoyed ourselves at Great Wolf Lodge and wore our kiddos out playing in the waterpark. The Christmas decorations were beautiful here too, including an indoor snow!
I finally got my first batch of Christmas cookies baked! I feel quite behind on baking; it's one if my favorite things to do and I have so many memories of baking cookies at Christmas with my sisters. I had some fantastic helpers too.

Here's a look at some of my favorite cookie recipes as well.
Candy Cane Cookies
Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti
Candy Cane Biscotti
Molasses Sugar Cookies
Chocolate Crinkles


  1. Looks like your holiday season is off to a great start! Did you go to the Brandywine River Museum to see the trains or somewhere else?

  2. We have had so many things to do this holiday season and I need a break. There are so many fun holiday things to take the kids to. We went to see the city lights near our house and then drove around to see some of the houses that made the news with their decorations. We are doing a christmas puppet show next weekend. Why aren't there this many fun things to do during the year to space it out?? I am exhausted!!! and I still haven't baked cookies :(

    1. It sure soul be great to have so many fun things spread out through the year more! I totally hear you on being exhausted...decorating, baking, or even just running errands require so much more with little kids in tow. I hope you are able to enjoy some quiet(er) time at home and get your cookies baked :)

  3. We have gone to see those trains many times! Love it.My boys always love to talk to the conductors there.


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