
Monday, July 9, 2012

Preschool Book Club: My Father's Dragon Discussion Questions

Welcome to the discussion of My Father's Dragon! I hope you enjoyed this fantastic little book as much as Emma and I did. If you missed them, here are the activities we did while reading the book: dragon coloring sheets and Elmer's backpack.

Ask your child as many questions as work for your family. Feel free to skip any and only answer ones that engage them. If you did any activities related to the book, post those in the comments as well. And if you blogged about your book reading experience, feel free to post the link so we can check it out! You can reply to comments that others leave, but please keep things polite. :-) I'm not anticipating a problem with this!

Big Picture Questions:
1) What is the name of the boy, "my father"? What is the purpose of his adventure? Does he accomplish what he set out to do?

2) What animals does Elmer meet on Wild Island? Describe how he escapes from each animal.

Review and Discussion Questions:
1) Who does Elmer meet at the very beginning of the story?

2) Elmer wants to fly more than anything. How does the cat suggest that he could fly?

3) What does Elmer pack in his backpack before leaving? Feel free to go back and read this section in the book, or use the backpack activity to help remember all the items.

4) How does Elmer hide on the ship?

5) Elmer lands on the island of Tangerina. How does he get to Wild Island. Check out the map in the back of the book or the picture of the ocean rocks.

6) While looking for the dragon Elmer encounters many different animal which you listed above. What was your favorite animal or situation in the book?

7) Once Elmer crosses the river and starts to free the dragon, what happens to the other animals? There is a great picture of all the animals on the crocodiles' backs.

8) What do you think Elmer and the dragon will do now that they have flown away from Wild Island? Where will they go? Will they have any more adventures? There are two additional books in the series. See if you were able to guess what might happen!

1 comment:

  1. 1) He is going to rescue the dragon
    2) tigers - by chewing gum. The tigers ate chewing gum
    rhinoceros - tusk is dirty and it needs to be white. Elmer helps him with the toothpaste and the toothbrush
    lion - he has things in his hair. He helps him by the brush and comb and the braids.
    gorilla - the monkeys need magnifying glass
    crocodiles - they have lollipops! By their tales with a rubber band.

    1) the cat
    2) with the rescue thing...the dragon!
    3) toothpaste and toothbrush, knife, brush and comb, lollipops, bubble gum, rubberbands, shirt, boots, apples, magnifying glasses, bow, bag, clock (compass), sandwiches, and I think that's all!
    4) with the bag. in the bag.
    5) on the rocks and he meets an animal, a not kind animal. It's a whale
    6) the lion and the rhino
    7) they don't get Elmer because they are in the river on the crocodiles
    8) I dont know. Ummmm to Minnesota! Because Wild Island has so much mean animals. They could get a drink at Minnesota. Then after they eat they will probably plan where they are going to play next.

    (we are reading Meet Kirsten right now, and her family is traveling to Minnesota)


What do you think? I love hearing from readers!