Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Book Review: Anne Bradstreet
While on vacation, I read this new biography of Anne Bradstreet, by D.B. Kellogg. Bradstreet was one of the first female poets in America in the mid-1600s. I was drawn to this book because I have really liked Anne Bradstreet's poetry since being assigned to read a few of her works in high school. I am normally not a fan of poetry, but something about Bradstreet has always stuck with me.
I enjoyed that this book gave historical background about the Puritans and the struggle that settlers in the new world faced in the 1600s because it helped to show how amazing it was that Anne Bradstreet was able to produce such a large body of work. She was responsible for caring for her household and her many children, all while living in new towns that were built up on the American frontier right before her eyes. Additionally, Anne often suffered from serious illnesses, many of which confined her to bed. Many of her most famous works were created as a means to teach her children, and required a great deal of research. My favorite poem, To My Dear and Loving Husband, shows the depth of the love that Anne and her husband shared, which is something that can often be overlooked about many Puritans in those days.
I think this book gave me greater motivation to be a wife and mother who is constantly looking to serve my family well. We have so many luxuries that the early American settlers did not posses. The life of Anne Bradstreet is a great example of the impact one ordinary person can have on her family, and the legacy that life can leave for generations to come. This is a great book, a quick read with high quality content, and I give it a 5 out of 5!
Disclosure: I was provided with a free copy of this book by Thomas Nelson and Book Sneeze in exchange for my honest evaluation and review. All opinions are 100% mine.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Snapfish photo deals
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
U-Pick Apples!
If you live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland or the nearby Delaware area like we do, this is a great spot to visit! The drive is beautiful, and the farm is family owned:
(And if you are not local to Lockbriar Farm, be sure to check out to find local U-Pick in your area!)
We planned on just picking apples, but found out when we arrived at Lockbriar that there were strawberries and raspberries available as well! We finished off our pint of raspberries quickly, and have really been enjoying the apples. Lockbriar provided us with a great apple picking basket to use while we walked through the orchard, and our daughter loved helping put apples in the basket!
Lockbriar's apples are $.99/pound. Location, hours, and other information can be easily found on their Facebook page! And remember, Thrifty Living is on Facebook too!
Do you have apple-picking plans for the weekend now? You should!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Free Avocado Coupon on Facebook - today!
Visit the Amazing Avocado on Facebook!
And while you are on Facebook, why not become a fan of Thrifty Living too!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Stocking up this week: Gold Medal Flour
The flour is included with several other items that you can mix and match to buy 6 and get the discount. Read more about Acme this week at Moms Need to Know.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Food Waste Friday
Our food waste this week is pretty minimal! There's a bit of cream cheese dip from several weeks ago and a handful of raspberries that went bad before I noticed them. We've been cleaning up some leftovers, so I think we are in good shape for next week too!
How does your fridge look this week?
We are planning to go apple picking this weekend! Do you have any fun plans?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Online Survey Update: Opinion Outpost
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Amazon Fall Blowout Sale
Amazon has another great deal for parents and caregivers of children, called Amazon Mom. As a member of Amazon Mom, you will get a free trial of Amazon Prime (free 2-day shipping) for 3 months, as well as 30% off select diapers and wipes (using subscribe & save). You'll also be able to personalize your account with details about your children, which will allow Amazon to send you emails with deals that will fit your needs. Read the complete FAQs here.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Recipe Flop
If you make the majority of your own meals, you've probably seen a recipe that looked great and then tasted "blah" or just didn't look like the picture. I found a recipe for Goat Cheese Empanadas in my August issue of Real Simple. It looked really easy, and I thought I could modify it slightly for my family.
Instead of using goat cheese, I filled half of the empanadas with mozzarella cheese and pizza sauce, and the other half with Velveeta cheese, black beans, and salsa. My problems first started because I overfilled the crust, which made them really hard to seal. Since they did not seal very well, the empanadas came out of the oven looking like this:
Really, from these pictures they don't look too terrible, but I thought they looked horrible when I pulled them out, and of course were nothing like the picture in the magazine! We went ahead and ate them anyway, and they actually tasted really good. Now, if I make these again I have a better idea about how much (or really, how little) I can put in each empanada to make them come out a little prettier. And really, how they look doesn't matter as much as how they taste!
So the next time you end up with a recipe flop, I hope you'll see it as a learning experience instead of a failure! I know I needed this reminder that what I cook doesn't have to be perfect to be right for my family!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Yoplait whips! giveaway winner
Friday, September 10, 2010
Food Waste Friday
I'm not entirely sure how we have continued to have relatively no food waste each week, since I have not done anything special to prevent waste recently. I think it has just become such a habit to know what needs to be used up each week and work towards using all of our leftovers!
How did you do this week? Any tips for using up leftovers?
Remember the giveaway that ends today at midnight!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Hurry! Pinecone research sign up is open!
You can also read about the other survey companies that I use and recommend in this post!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
DIY: Wood Refinishing
Here is the desk/dresser before:
My mom and I have both gotten bit by the refinishing bug now, I think! While it was a lot of work, we ended up with a beautiful piece of furniture that is personalized. I am looking forward to telling my daughter the story about this project, and it will be really special for her to get to use something that was her great-grandfather's. He passed away when she was just a few weeks old, so this will be a way to pass memories down to a new generation!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Yoplait whips! review and giveaway!
(a cooler/tote bag and ice cream pop making set)
If you have been reading this blog for a while, you probably know that I enjoy making my own yogurt, and have done so for some time. But there are times when I've suffered from yogurt burnout...I've gotten bored of my homemade stuff, and through the pregnancy had times when I really craved store bought yogurt. At the top of my list of store bought yogurt is totally Raspberry Mousse by Yoplait whips! So when Yoplait told me that a great way to cool down during the summer heat is to pop a yogurt container in the fridge overnight I was all about it. My Raspberry Mousse yogurt was A-MAZ-ING; an icy and refreshing treat.
I'm all about being thrifty, and homemade yogurt is way more cost effective than the stuff in the store, but I also enjoy indulging every now and then. Yoplait usually has several coupons and sales out there, so while I don't make a habit of buying yogurt at the store, I am by no means a "homemade yogurt only" person!
My daughter and I made good use of the cooler tote bag on a recent picnic, and while I haven't gotten to make the freezer pops yet, they will be used this week!
MyBlogSpark and Yoplait have given me a prize pack just like I have to giveaway! If you would like to enter in this giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite yogurt. Please make sure that your blogger profile has your email address, or leave your email in the comment so that I can contact you if you win!
This giveaway will remain open until midnight on Friday, September 10, at which point a winner will be chosen via
Disclosure: I was provided with a Yoplait whips! prize pack by MyBlogSpark and Yoplait in return for my honest evaluation and review of the product. All opinions are 100% my own.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Food Waste Friday
This week I opened up a cute little jar of strawberry preserves to make a sandwich for my daughter
and discovered this:
MOLD! Yuck! I guess when I was given this jar I must have opened it and then forgot, because it has been sitting in my pantry for several months, just waiting to be used. I am very sad to have to toss it, because it looked like it would have been really tasty jam!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Smarty Pants sale gets bigger!
I stopped by and found some great deals last week, which I thought I would share with you!
A Melissa & Doug magnetic puzzle for $5!